Our task was to create a short video and show that we manipulated time by filming a memory or flash back. We had to edit the short video to clearly show the clip that was a memory/flashback, I used the black and white colour to show that we are in the flashback scene and to transition from present time to past tense i used the wave transition.
Group: Camera man- Me
Actresses- jasmine king, Allegria and Diana
Uploading footage
To upload the footage you go on file and go down to import.
then you find the file you put the footage in and then select the footage that is yours.
Using a range of editing tools. E.g. cropping, adding transitions, layering
This is the razor tool, this tool is used to split up a certain part of a clip. This is useful because if you have a whole scene but mess up in the middle you can use this tool to cut the mistake out and delete it.
This is how i put the wave effect to transition between present and then the past. when you go on the effect tab in the bottom left if you know what you want and what effect you can type it in the search bar but if you don't know what effect you want you can search what you want. i also used this to put the flashback in black and white.
Converting the file
To convert the file to a specific type you go to file at the top and when the drop bar comes down hover over export with your mouse and then click media.
the format and preset you want is the ones shown on this screen shot.
Transitions is the movement from one shot to the other. Transitions convey different ideas to the audience that is why you choose the correct transitions. There are different types of transitions, they are:
Straight cut- A straight cut is one of the most common transitions. It is just a normal cut and is almost impossible to see because there is no transitional effect it's a quick change of shot. They help convey reality.
Dissolves- This transitional effect is when one shot is fading out and at the same time another shot is fading in. This tells the audience the two shots are connected in some way, or it can show time has passed.
Fade- A fade is similar to a dissolve but the difference is with fade it doesn't fade into a different shot.
Wipe- A shot is pushed off the screen by another shot. Star wars uses these effectively.
Graphic match- 2 shots that are similar are next to each other to transition into a new scene. An example of this is used in war of the worlds.
Manipulating Time and Space- This is when time is fast forwarding around the actor or around the main object in the shot or it goes back in time, for example flashback. This is effective in films because it can show what has lead up to the main part of the film. for example most mystery films will show the end at the beginning of the film and then cut it at when someone was murdered but not show who the murderer is then go to back an show the actions leading up to the murder. This is effective because it gets the audience thinking about who the murderer is throughout the film which is the purpose of mystery films, to get people thinking.
These are all transition types used in films.
Effect Examples
Wizard of oz uses technicolor to show fantasy and that she is entering a new world away from Texas. This effect is effective because film makes used to use technicolor to convey fantasy.
In the film the time machine (1960) it shows that he is time travelling and he dont age but the environment around him changes and this shows time is moving.
This is taken from the film magic mike and it shows that the scene has a filter to convey the fact the time of day has changed.
In this task we was asked to create a scene using cross cutting to create pace. we had 3 actors, 1 director, 1 camera man. this was our scene:
We used slow editing to create tension, that was our idea, and i think it creates a bit of tension because the audience doesn't know what the 2 boys are going to do with the drugs so i think it was a success. However, i think the actual recording of the scene could've been better but i think we conveyed suspense well. I think to improve we could've made a scene when the boys were caught with the drugs and cross cut faster to create the sense of panic. There was a problem with recording this because we only recorded one side of the story, for this to be a correct cross cut we would have to record another story connected to the original story.
Pace of editing can set the mood for scenes in films, fast paced editing means action and slow pace conveys suspense. The pace of editing is also used in different genres to convey different emotions. In horror films they have fast and slow paced editing to convey suspense and action, using this is effective for this genre because it keeps the audience watching because of the suspense it has. A trailer for a horror film uses this as well to get people to watch the film, a good example of this is 'The Orphan' trailer.
Cross cutting is when you cut between scenes, this is affective for fast paced action scenes. A good example of this is from the film 'inception'. Cross cutting is good to set tension and suspense for the audience.
A good example of when a film uses slow editing to create suspense is in the film 'the good the bad and the ugly. This is good because it is slow to convey that there is going to be a fast paced action sequence and lets the audience knows that it is going to be exciting. This is the scene:
Also slow paced editing is used to set a romance scene in a romantic film, for example the notebook uses this to good effect and it shows the film ks a romantic film.
This is used well because it sets the romantic scene and it sums up the films editing in one scene
This style of editing is a style of film making that started becoming popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Well-known film maker such as Jean Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut. These film makers revolutionised editing techniques and created a brand new style of editing called "French New Wave". This style of editing breaks continuity techniques to show something.
Jump cuts
A jump cut is the shot cuts and shows a different part so, one shot could be a full body shot but the next few shots could be zooming in to the persons face. Jump cuts are used to startle the audience, draw attention to a certain object. A good example of this is from the film Breathless. This film uses this because it shows how long the journey is but it doesn't take forever to show. Also it makes the film interesting.
This scene in E.T- The extra terrestrial, at the part when Elliot (boy in red jacket) gets blocked of by the police it changes shot 3 times by zooming in to his face to convey his shock.
Breaking 180 degree
The 180 degree rule means you cant break the imaginary line that you cant go past because everything will look opposite. this is used to convey confusion, startling effect. An example of this is in the film 'The Shining' and 'The hunger games'. The shining uses it to convey something is going to happen.
As a task we was asked to record a quick video following all the rules to keep continuity in films.
Our group was:
1 camera man
1 mic holder
2 actors
The rules we followed were:
Match on Action
Eye-line Match
Shot, Reverse Shot
180 degree rule
Point of View
Match on action: This technique is when a character start in one shot, they cut the camera to film from a different angle. In our filming we used Match on action when Diana walked around the corner and then we cut to her opening the door. This is an example of match on action:
Eye-line match: This technique links two shots together to make it look like someone is looking at something else when they are looking at something totally different. This allows the audience to to experience the same event as the character. This is an example of this:
Shot, reverse shot: The first shot shows one character and then the second character. this is used so the audience knows that the two characters are talking to each other. if this wasn't used it would be hard to show who is talking to each other. This is an example of this:
180 degree rule: This rule makes sure two characters in the same scene with each other as the same left/right relationship to each other so it don't seem fake. if the camera makes a circle around the characters it will make everything look opposite so left is right and right is left and it wouldn't flow. This is an example of this:
Continuity editing was developed by European and American directors, D.W Griffith played a big part of this in his films such as The Birth of the nation. This uses techniques such as: the 180 degree rule, match on action, and shot, reverse shot. These techniques are used to make the film flow and make it as accurate as possible.
Continuity editing is important because it creates a sense of chronological and creates the sense of realism in terms of time. You can still use flashbacks but you still need to show the progress of present time.
Eye-line match: this technique links two shots together to make it look like someone is looking at something else when they are looking at something totally different. This allows the audience to to experience the same event as the character.
Match-on-action: This technique is when a character start in one shot, they cut the camera to film from a different angle and we see the action scene finish in the second shot. this is used so action scenes seems one natural and makes it realistic. if this didn't get used action scenes will have load of cuts in the middle and the scene wouldn't flow and would seem fake.
shot, reverse shot: the first shot shows one character and then the second character. this is used so the audience knows that the two characters are talking to each other. if this wasnt used it would be hard to show who is talking to each other.
180 degree rule: this rule makes sure two characters in the same scene with each other as the same left/right relationship to each other so it dont seem fake. if the camera makes a circle around the characters it will make everything look opposite so left is right and right is left and it wouldn't flow.