Tuesday 15 December 2015

AS1: Task 11 Creating Pace with Cross Cutting

Creating pace with cross cutting

In this task we was asked to create a scene using cross cutting to create pace. we had 3 actors, 1 director, 1 camera man. this was our scene: 

We used slow editing to create tension, that was our idea, and i think it creates a bit of tension because the audience doesn't know what the 2 boys are going to do with the drugs so i think it was a success. However, i think the actual recording of the scene could've been better but i think we conveyed suspense well. I think to improve we could've made a scene when the boys were caught with the drugs and cross cut faster to create the sense of panic. There was a problem with recording this because we only recorded one side of the story, for this to be a correct cross cut we would have to record another story connected to the original story. 


  1. I was expecting you to cross cut between two two things happening at the same time - your video is well edited but only tells one story in sequence.
