Sunday, 13 December 2015

AS1: Task 9 Non Continuity

Non-continuity editing

This style of editing is a style of film making that started becoming popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Well-known film maker such as Jean Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut. These film makers revolutionised editing techniques and created a brand new style of editing called "French New Wave". This style of editing breaks continuity techniques to show something. 

Jump cuts
A jump cut is the shot cuts and shows a different part so, one shot could be a full body shot but the next few shots could be zooming in to the persons face. Jump cuts are used to startle the audience, draw attention to a certain object. A good example of this is from the film Breathless. This film uses this because it shows how long the journey is but it doesn't take forever to show. Also it makes the film interesting. 

This scene in E.T- The extra terrestrial, at the part when Elliot (boy in red jacket) gets blocked of by the police it changes shot 3 times by zooming in to his face to convey his shock.

Breaking 180 degree

The 180 degree rule means you cant break the imaginary line that you cant go past because everything will look opposite. this is used to convey confusion, startling effect. An example of this is in the film 'The Shining' and 'The hunger games'. The shining uses it to convey something is going to happen. 

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